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I think the game looks great and fun, but I have one issue.  I don't really understand how to play.  Maybe I'm just bad at understanding the instructions, but I don't understand the circuit board.  I really want to play though!

Yeah, if I'd have had more time I'd have added a better tutorial. The idea is that special modules are marked by a red light and moving over one with an electron activates it at the cost of charge gained by moving over one of the power units. It takes quite a bit of getting used to.

(1 edit)

I like how It looks, but when I click shift the game crashes (Still, I think you did a good job with the presentation)

That's a bug I haven't encountered yet. What version are you using and when did the crash happen?

I was playing the browser version of the game

I found what you mean. For some reason, pressing the right shift key causes the game to divide by zero for some reason. If you care to try again, I'm pretty sure it'll work with the left shift key.

Turns out the problem wasn't the right shift key, but pressing shift repeatedly without moving the electron. As long as you hold it while moving at least one node away, you should be good to go.